Sandy: A Hurricane, a Hook, and a HAARP

It’s now 2019, 7 years after Hurricane Sandy and Sandy Hook. Hurricane Sandy came in for Halloween and garnered the title, ‘frankenstorm.’ Frankenstein was a man-made monster. Are you connecting the dots? And then, about 6 weeks after ‘Frankenstorm’ came ‘Frankenshool’ and the diabolical government psy-op of Sandy Hook Elementary School.

MIND WARS – Invasion of the Brain |

A very sobering audio discussing the electronic control of humanity by the use of electromagnetic signals, radio frequencies, Wi-Fi transmitters, cell phones, satellites, antennas, radars, smart meters and more. In addition to the technological aspects of government oppression, Deborah Tavares and Preston James also discuss federal, state, and community laws that are being used against the populations of the world to enable the shadow governments, secret societies, and global elite to have ‘full spectrum dominance’ or total and complete control of every aspect of our lives.


What real news looks like.

A LONG, LONG TIME AGO… son they had this thing called ‘the news’. It was great!. We could find out what was going on in the world and it helped us build a great country called America. You know how we take them hog hams and rub them down with salt and let that salt…

Hurricane Ike Path

Following the narrative on weather modification. (Video)

I watched this a while back and it is offensive. Dr. Kaku is going along with the narrative and leaving the impression that weather-altering technologies are still in the experimental stage. This makes him a deceiver along with the rest of the MSM and globalist establishment.

Cloud Sculpting

Nick Begich : Technology to Control the Weather

Dr. Nick Begich speaks to a European audience in Holland. If recent extreme weather events have peaked your interest in HAARP and related weather-altering technologies, here are some answers.

Snow Field

Climate Control is Weather Modification (Video)

Weather modification is now being used on a wide scale to alter the climate of the earth in accordance with Agenda 21 directives. The agribelt is being reduced by cold and drought while polar ice expands trapping much needed moisture.

strange cloud sculpting formation

Satellite Based Weather Wars Video

Most are asleep to weather modification, satellite based storm control, cloud seeding/chemtrail spraying, etc. Here is a tidbit of info related to this technology & the potential adverse affects of interfering in the complex cycles & systems of nature.